This company is an importer and supplier of pumps, water and wastewater treatment equipment, all products presented on this website are original and are offered according to the law of the Islamic Republic IRAN and the World Trade Organization.
Most of the text and images of this site are taken and translated from the main website of the product manufacturer and may be similar to the text of other sites with writing rules. Images are also taken from the main sites or taken by the company’s photography studio. Texts and images are uploaded by the sellers on this site and the site owner has no involvement in writing the text and images. However, if you believe that the text or image has been copied from the content of your website, please send us an email [dmca[@]mr-pump.ir] , we will check this issue and if it is correct, we will remove the image or text from the website. So do not worry .
This website is fully subject to the rules of global trade.